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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Talk About Attention Deficit

Ok so I got distracted.... for a year! I've been busy. We are like that. We always have something to do. That's part of the problem. We move from one thing to the next in a never-ending sequence where one thing has very little to do with the next; and of course everything has to be done right away.

Sometimes you have to stop everything. Just stop everything and take an inventory of all the things that you are or should be doing. If you can you should force yourself to do this every day. For those of us that are severely ADD, we need to stop and regroup more frequently.

It does not matter how important that thing you have to do right now is. You just need to stop! Take a few minutes and think about what you are supposed to be doing. Of course it would help if you have a list of what hose things are.

Yeah I know, if you could do that you wouldn't have a problem. Well, do what you can do. Even if you can't find the list later, it will help you in your mind if you take the time to write stuff down. You will remember it better.

We have to resist that feeling of, "I have to get right on that next thing, right away". Yes, it probably is important to get that thing done, especially since it is the last minute to get it done. We'll talk about that another time. Just take five minutes and relax enough so that you can think about what you should be spending your time doing. Believe it or not sometimes the thing that you think is critical is not the thing that you should be doing right now.

Right now I have a million very important hings that I need to get done. Even so, I am going to force myself to take some time to think about all of the things that I need to do and try to bring some order to exactly how I will choose to spend my time. I will thank myself for it later. Try it, right now.